Create content ideas based on the data you already have

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Create content ideas based on the data you already have

Post by rosebaby865868 »

After understanding where and how to publish your content, you must follow a step-by-step process:

Plug your SEO keywords into Google and type in the domains that appear : the more common the domains, the more likely it is that more traffic has viewed them. 
Identify which websites are similar to these: “(Domain name) versus…” and check what the suggestions are.
You can do the same versus when it comes to social media : use tools like BuzzSumo to find out which platforms are best for you based on your target audience data.
Once you know where your people are located, you can answer whether there is opportunity in those domains for advertising, guest blogging, or influencer marketing.

On the other hand, you must take into account that for Big Data there are two types of data:

Structured: data adjusted to a system such as Google Analytics.
Unstructured: Data without organization, such as messages, tweets, etc. Important data can be extracted from there, but there is no way to track it.
The latter can be a very powerful resource for your Content Marketing. They measure emotions more than anything else, they know what drives your users, their intentions and habits.

Imagine having access to this data and being able to respond with content to your users' feelings.

There are some systems that offer semantic analysis and language processing that can give you words that have been repeated and measure sentiments.

Producing the Content
Technically, if you find yourself using data about your audience to develop usa business email list content that is tailored to their interests, their featured influencers, etc., you are actually using Big Data to produce your content.

However, Big Data could bring you more than that:


At this point you should know your keywords and target audience, so you can create engaging titles.

Were there common questions in FAQs for your products or services? Put them on your calendar!
The Internet is for exploring, so go beyond these FAQs and use platforms like Quora to find out what your audiences are wondering lately.
Google can give you ideas for great topics with its suggested results; start with your keywords and see where they take you.
Use tools like Google Keyword Planner and match your ideas to the keywords you want to boost within your content.
Use tools like BuzzSumo to measure what type of content format is most useful to your audiences. Maybe for one keyword a video is more appropriate, and for another an infographic is more appropriate.
Constantly analyze your competitors: check their position on Google.
2. Test headlines with A/B tests
Don't shoot in the dark: the headline must be effective enough to capture your audience's attention. Use data to create it.
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